المحترف في للمعلوميات

How often have you opened your mail during the Christmas season to find a Christmas card with a smiling photo of people you know, accompanied by an annual letter that goes something like this:

How often have you opened your mail during the Christmas season to find a Christmas card with a smiling photo of people you know, accompanied by an annual letter that goes something like this:
“Merry Christmas, everyone! This past year was a time of incredible blessings for our family. John won an award at his company for the great job he does there, which led to another promotion, along with a raise. Susan continues to work hard leading the Bible study at church (where she’s a stellar role model for many women who want to grow in holiness) and volunteering at our local hospital (we’re grateful that none of us has been sick this year) – yet despite all that, she still somehow finds the time to help Susie and Johnnie with their many activities. Both kids continue to earn the highest grades in school, Susie won our regional piano competition, Johnnie led his soccer team to win the championship game, and the two of them are still having fun teaching our Golden Retriever many tricks…” 

Everyone enjoys hearing from friends and extended family members who care enough to send holiday greetings. But the kind of Christmas letters that many people send – so sugarcoated that they may as well be cookies – aren’t the best way to communicate with people who are hoping for inspiration at Christmas. Too many Christmas letters read like resumes of accomplishments designed to impress people, with glowing descriptions that make families appear to be perfect. Families send out such letters every year in well-meaning attempts to encourage people with Christmas cheer. But recipients of those letters are often discouraged, because they feel as if their own imperfect lives could never measure up to the unrealistic descriptions they read.

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